Innate Wellness Ltd.

Meet the Team

Filippo Gernetti BSc, MSc, Chiropractor

My name is Filippo Gernetti and I am a Chiropractic Doctor.

I live in Bournemouth with my wife, two beautiful daughters and a lovely little man. I love spending time with my family and keeping myself fit.

Chiropractic is my passion.

Why Chiropractic?

Two important events influenced my choice:

“Close to disability, alternative was the only option”

In 2007 I had a pneumothorax (one of my lungs collapsed), I had to go through painful surgery to get fixed and then I spend about 10 days in a hospital bed. It took me a while to regain my health. I was grateful to the doctor who put me back on my feet.

However a couple of months later the symptoms returned in the same lung. I was scared that I may had to go through the same nightmare again. After visiting my gp I was told that another operation was necessary; one that would have made me partially disabled for life.

To make the story short, I decided to seek a second opinion. I was introduced to an alternative medicine practioner and was told that surgery may be avoided. Initially, I was a bit sceptical but in the end no surgery or drugs were needed. I have had no problems since.

My grandmother’s death made me who I am

The second factor that prompted my decision, was the death of my Grandmother several years ago. She had Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a life threatening condition known to be caused by medications side effects. This event made me worder about better, healthier and more natural ways to help people get well and stay well.

“A new discovery, drugs free life”

When I discovered Chiropractic, I came to the knowledge that the body has the amazing innate ability to heal itself, and that ability can be enhanced when we treat ourselves in the proper manner (exercise, good nutrition and positive thinking) and when we have a healthy functioning nervous system.

It has been more than 10 years for me without taking any type of medications, same for my wife and my kids never had any given to them. Chiropractic has been of great help through the process and I am now passionate in helping my community to do the same!

Please get in touch if you are keen to know more.

Danny, Chiropractic Assistant

My name is Danny, I am the CA – Chiropractic Assistant. I live in Bournemouth with my Amazing Partner (Future Wife), and our Boys (our Beautiful Cats ????). I am Portuguese, so I love the beach, the sun and parks. My favourite things in life are playing the guitar, the piano and drawing. My passions are my Family, Music & Art.

Chiropractic changed my life. I Love and fully Believe in what we do. When I was younger I really hurt myself. Chiropractic not just helped me to get better, but also helped me to learn about ways to promote my self-healing, and to improve my general health. I understood that Chiropractic helps improve the brain body connection and Heal better! Personally, this is the most fulfilling type of help anyone can give!

Danny, Chiropractic Assistant
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